T H E G A M E S M A S T E R S Y S T E M VERSION 0.3B PUBLIC BETA Welcome to the latest public release of GMS! As promised I went and changed everything, so all of the old includes etc are now redundant. Fortunately most of the functions are now fixed in place and the structures have been ironed out. However, until v1.0 comes out you are still not allowed to release anything using GMS. To speed up the process, please report any functions or structures that you think need some changes or fixing. At the current rate of progression v1.0 should be ready early next year, which is quite a realistic schedule for the moment. In this release there are a lot less bugs and much cleaning up has been done. However it is VITAL that if you see something that could be done better, you should tell me about it immediately. Ideas for improvement are very important, and some of these things can only be done in the beta stages. If you fail to get a reply from me within 3 days let me know, sometimes my server has problems sending mail. For now, feel free to assemble and change the demos to do what you like. There are bugs though, so be careful... if your Amiga blows up -- don't say I didn't warn you! Remember I can only change things before the official release, as I can't go back on what I've done after that. So, get your ideas in now before it's too late! If you have any questions just mail me, check the docs, or visit the web site (which has just been completely updated BTW). Paul Manias Email: sandman@welly.gen.nz WWW: http://www.compkarori.co.nz/amiga/gamelib/ ------------------------------- COPYRIGHT ------------------------------- The files found in this archive are not for re-distribution. DreamWorld Productions reserves the right to change any of the material within the Games Master System at any time and without notice. The Games Master System is copyright (c) DreamWorld Productions, 1996.